DHTMLX Gantt for scholz.msconsulting GmbH
Customer Spotlight
Today’s guest on the DHTMLX customer spotlight interview is a senior developer at the German software service provider scholz.msconsulting – Christoph Hüsson. Christoph shares with us his experience of working with DHTMLX Gantt and integrating it into the company’s product based on Angular and ASP.Net.
Hello Christoph! It is a pleasure to have you as our guest today. It is a great opportunity for us to get feedback and learn more about your story behind the use of DHTMLX Gantt.
We are also happy to have this interview because we have the same process for our customers and we appreciate the feedback from them. It is nice to exchange knowledge and points of view and it is a good idea to do this. Thanks for the invitation.
You are always welcome! Christoph, could you tell us a little bit about yourself, your role in the company, and your project?
I’ve been working at the company for nearly 15 years now. My brother invited me, as he is also working at the company. I started an internship in 2006 and quickly became an apprentice for two years. I’ve been a part-time senior developer for quite some time now. I’ve started with the Angular project that we are building to integrate the Gantt. The Gantt was my first step in this project and I was mainly responsible for the implementation itself.
The scholz.msconsulting GmbH is a consulting- and software-company owned and run by the family Scholz. The company has been on the market for approximately 30 years and offers an ERP-solution called Vemas.NET. This product has been developed for and with service-oriented companies that aim to integrate all processes of CRM, project management, time recording, and invoicing in one solution. Our Gantt reflects the entire project- and resource-management and incorporates appointment as well as absence. Vemas.NET is offered as a standard-solution but is customized in almost every individual project.
LESEN SIE DAS GANZE INTERVIEW: https://dhtmlx.com/blog/customer-spotlight-dhtmlx-gantt-scholz-msconsulting-gmbh/